
My name is Jameson Gatewood, and I am currently an Electrical Engineering undergraduate student set to graduate in 2026. I can use hardware such as soldering irons, oscilloscopes, power supplies and waveform generators as well as collaborate with other people in teams; I am seeking a summer 2023 internship in the areas of sensing and exploration and circuit design.

Purpose Statement:

The purpose of this website is to offer those who would like to learn more about me a full look into what I enjoy, what I am good at, and what I would like to continue to do in the future.


I didn’t always enjoy creating awesome things as much as I do now, though. When I was a junior in high school, I realized I wanted to do more with my time, so I decided, with some help, to set out on a journey to build a go kart. However, this wasn’t a regular kart; it was made of 2x4 wood and screws from Home Depot and electric batteries and motors off of Amazon. The project took roughly 16-18 months, and it underwent four different iterations, each being built from the parts of the version before it. I learned how to accept help and guidance, persevere when I had no idea what I was doing, and give entertaining demonstrations when I finished the final two versions. It was this project that really made me fall in love with building and creating, and it is the true pushoff point of all of the other projects you see on this site.

Ladders, an air raid siren, and even makeshift aluminum clamps are fair game for me. I have had the opportunity to learn how to use various pieces of equipment to make these things, such as a waterjet, lasercutters, all kinds of wood tools, welding equipment, and more. These tools are housed in the Invention Studio at Georgia Tech, where I work as an electronics master whose job is to maintain the space and have an in-depth knowledge of the tools there such as oscilloscopes, power supplies, and waveform generators. It is my great pleasure to teach and assist users of the makerspace how to use these tools and how to best accomplish their own projects as well. I greatly enjoy teaching and keeping spaces tidy, so I am very thankful for the position and community of makers I am surrounded with because of it.

Career Goals:

I hope to:

  1. Graduate in four years with a BS in electrical engineering,
  2. Partake in GT’s BS/MS program to get my MS with only one additional year
  3. Along the way, have experience with at least two internships, whether they be both over the summer or during fall or spring
  4. After I graduate, find employment somewhere in either the energy field, the circuit design field, or the sensors/robotics field


  1. Proficient with various tools in the categories of wood, metal, lasercutting, waterjetting, electronics equipment, and 3D printing
  2. Have the ability to work on a team and communicate so that everyone is on the same page while working on projects
  3. Can focus and prototype/research/design without distraction
  4. Know how to use multiple design softwares such as AutoCAD, Fusion360, and LTSPICE
  5. Am good at asking for help when I know I need it while also knowing when I need to simply learn something myself


You can find my resume here.